GVA Families Share Their Stories » Spanish Village Stories

Spanish Village Stories

caleb and samuelFrom Caleb and Samuel's Family: 
"We come from a Hispanic family who speaks Spanish. We love that our kids learn proper Spanish and love and embrace the language of their grandparents. I love that GVA strives to give each student what they need, such as after school tutoring. We love GVA and know that our kids love it too!”
michael and addisonFrom Michael's and Addison's Family:
"I moved my son to Global Village Academy from a different elementary school because he was getting left behind rapidly and was struggling to read or do math problems. I had heard great things about the school and liked the idea of them learning a second language as I am passionate about it. After he started at GVA, I saw something in Michael that I had never seen before, he liked school! He was put in a reading program immediately, and I watched his success take off. He reads books to me nightly now. Both of my children like school, and I enjoy watching their passion for learning. Both of my children have confidence because they know they matter in the Global Village community. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for having teachers that genuinely care!"
xavierFrom Xavier's Family:
"The reason we love Global Village Academy is the teachers! Teachers from all over the world educate my son. He has learned about different countries that I never imagined him knowing! He brings home different traditions, cultures, and languages! We absolutely love it!”
jayceFrom Jayce's Family: 
"My oldest son attended GVA and is now in high school. He is fluent in Spanish and is now taking an AP Spanish class. In addition to learning a second language, GVA prepared him to excel in his academics, going into high school. He is currently above average for his high school courses. I also have my 5-year-old in Kindergarten at GVA. He is loving the environment and is already learning so much. I love that my oldest has learned a second language, and my other son has the same opportunity. Being bilingual is an asset that will set them apart from others in the future."
sierraFrom Sierra's Family:

"I was nervous about sending my Kindergartner to a bilingual school. I thought the dual-language approach might take away from time for play and social-emotional learning that is critical in early childhood. I was pleasantly surprised that the school included both during the day! My daughter loves learning Spanish, especially the songs. She is also making friends with children from a variety of cultures and learning from teachers who speak a different native language.”
JonathanFrom Jonathan's Family:
"In our household, we speak Spanish. Jonathan didn’t speak Spanish, but he understood it very well. We heard nothing but good things and good reviews about GVA, so we decided to enroll him despite living 20 minutes away. In as little as three months, Jonathan spoke a lot of Spanish and also telling us about what he learns in his English class. We are excited that GVA teachers are fantastic and always seem happy to teach their students! Bilingual education means a lot to my family because it opens up more opportunities for our children later in life. For me, growing up and knowing a second language was always important because it created an opportunity for better jobs! Thank you, GVA, for being what my son needs for a better education!!"
spanish homeworkFrom the Hynd Family:
"Being from another country and growing up bilingual myself, it is essential to offer my kids not only the gift of a second language but also a way to communicate with their extended family and eighty percent of the world! We love walking into GVA North and hearing different languages and seeing such a blend of cultures.
We love that it’s a place of diversity, that no one kid stands out for the color of their skin or color of their eyes or hair. We enjoy the different activities and International Days. We’ve only been a part of the GVA-N family for a short time. Yet, we are confident that we’ll continue at GVA for the rest of our children’s elementary and middle school education unless we are relocated. Puma pride!”