Global Village Academy North Home

A young boy with glasses wearing a maroon Global Village Academy polo shirt stands in a classroom. The background shows colorful artwork and posters on the walls. The boy has a slight smile and looks directly at the camera.

School Uniform Sale

Join us for our special school uniform sale on July 26 from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Get your T-shirts, polos, and hoodies. This is our only onsite sale of the year—don't miss out!
meet the teacher

Meet the Teacher

Please mark your calendars for our Annual Meet the Teacher event on August 9th!
Important Information

Not Returning to GVA?

If your plans have changed and your child will no longer be attending GVA North, please inform us as soon as possible!
school supplies

School Supplies

Read more here regarding the school supply list and community supplies for students!

Upcoming Events

Social Hub