Photo Album

students standing in group
students standing in group
students on bus
money in Costa Rica
visiting safari
sign outside museum
food on plate
group outside
tour guide showing something to crowd
people in the water
students and staff outside park
students going on hike
student laying on beach
student building with sand on beach
student in water or standing on the beach
students standing on beach
students raking on beach
student planting mangrove seeds
students planting mangrove seeds
student raking
students raking
students cleaning
student planting mangrove seeds
planting mangrove seeds
students listening to presentation
students setting up
man working in workshop
kids organizing
kid working on quilting machine
kids in the water
kid on zip line
kid on zip line
kid on zip line
kid on zip line
kid on zip line
kid on zip line
kid on zip line
kids and staff smiling
kids hiking
kid showing what is in hands
girl showing seeds in hand
kids working on workbench
kids standing on beach with boat
kids with canoe paddles
going canoeing
canoes in river
group is canoeing
canoes in river
kid in canoe
kids on beach in front of waterfall
girls hugging in front of waterfall
girl standing in water on the beach
kids on the beach
kid in front of waterfall
girl in front of waterfall
park building
standing in front of building
bulletin board with artwork
kids observing man in center
students listening to presenter
kids looking into canvas bags
students looking at seeds
students sorting
students sorting
everyone standing together
students with flag
flag dance
students standing together
group listening
students on ride
foreign money
sign outside zoo
sign outside hotel
panoramic view of beach
food on plate
students and staff in group picture
students in group
students in ocean
staff and students in group outside park
students going for walk
student playing on the beach
student playing on beach
students on beach
students on beach smiling
students raking beach
student planting tree seeds
student planting trees
kids raking on the beach
kids working on beach
kids planting trees
kids planting trees
kids planting trees
kids hearing presentation
kids resting on beach
art space
person sitting at desk
student working on art
kids in water
artwork displayed
kid going on zip line
kid going on zip line
kid going on zip line
kid going on zip line
kid going on zip line
kid going on zip line
kid going on zip line
students and staff smiling
students walking on path
student showing seed
student showing seeds
showing machinery kids can use
kids on beach
kids on beach
kid in canoe
kids on canoe
kids in canoe
kids in canoe
person in canoe
kid by waterfall
girls in front of waterfall
girl in water
kids in water
kid in front of waterfall
kid in front of waterfall
kids lined up in front of building
bulletin board
kids dancing inside building
man showing the kids something
bags of seeds
bags of seeds
bags of seeds
bags of seeds
group dressed up
Costa Rica flag
women dancing with flag