Our New School App is Here

Follow these steps to setup your app correctly:
  • Search “Flyer School” in the Apple or Google play store or visit https://www.flyerconnect.org/app
  • Once you’ve installed the Flyer School app push the “+” button and search for GLOBAL VILLAGE ACADEMY NORTHGLENN and select “add”.
  • Families can tap the Language button on the Bottom left of the screen to select their preferred language.
  • Tap our School to view School Content
You are now connected to our school app and will receive all school wide communication. The great news about this application is that it will house important school information such as calendars, forms, ways to pay for supplies, etc… in addition to sending push notifications that can be configured within the application. Please note that teachers were trained on the app last Friday, so there is very little teacher content at the moment. However, in the future, this will be an additional way you can reach out to teachers and receive information from both teachers and the school.
Correo Electrónico y Textos son las formas de comunicación preferidas.
  • Busquen “Flyer School” en la App Store o Google Play o vistahttps://www.flyerconnect.org/app
  • Una vez que hayan instalado la aplicación Flyer School, presionen el botón de “+”, busquen GLOBAL VILLAGE ACADEMY Northglenn y seleccionen “añadir”.
  • Las familias pueden tocar el botón Idioma en la parte inferior izquierda de la pantalla para seleccionar su idioma preferido.
  • Toque nuestra escuela para ver el contenido de la escuela
¡Eso es todo! 
Ahora se encuentran conectados a la aplicación de nuestra escuela y recibirán todos los comunicados de la escuela. Si tienen problemas, por favor, póngase en contacto con nuestro equipo de asistencia en [email protected]