STEM with Ms. Jess
Now that we are in the swing of things, let’s get “scienceing”!!!
Kindergarten: For the next few weeks, we will focus on uncovering animal secrets. In this unit, students use observations to understand animals' basic needs. They explore how animals need food and a safe place to live and how animals can change their environments to meet those needs.
1st Grade: For the next few weeks, we will focus on discovering and learning about animal “superpowers.” In this unit, students explore how the external characteristics of animals are essential for their survival. Students also observe parents and their offspring, determining how they are similar and how their behaviors help offspring survive.
2nd Grade: For the next few weeks we will be going on some animal adventures! In this unit, students begin to develop an understanding of the world's animal biodiversity. They explore animal classification and the traits that define each group. Students then focus on habitats and how the surrounding environment affects what organisms live in a particular environment.
3rd Grade: For the next few weeks, we will be working on one of my favorite units–animals through time. In this unit, students develop an understanding of how animals and their environments have changed through time. Fossils provide a window into the animals and habitats of the past. Analyzing the traits of animals that are alive today and comparing them to fossils provides evidence of how these ancient organisms and environments of the past may have appeared.
4th Grade: For the next few weeks, we will be focusing on the human body and what an amazing machine it is. In this unit, students investigate the structures and functions of the human body. They explore how our bones and muscles are interconnected, how our eyes interact with light and impact our vision, and how our brain responds to stimuli in our environment.
5th Grade: Once we are settled in with the science journals we will be using this year to help us prepare and feel confident for CMAS, we will start our unit about Earth and space patterns. In this unit, students explore patterns of the Earth, Sun, Moon, and stars. They investigate how shadows change throughout the day, how the Sun's position changes throughout the year, and how stars change throughout the seasons. They also create Earth, Sun, and Moon models to explore Moon patterns.
Mr. H’s Music Notes
Hello Parents! This will be a busy September in the GVA North Music Department. The band and orchestra had their first meetings. It’s not too late to join, anyone interested in joining either Band or Orchestra can reach out to Mr. Hilton ([email protected]) and he can direct you to the right registration process! Each grade level will start a new unit this September and continue watching clips from the classic “Singin’ in the Rain”.
Kindergarten - Keeping a steady beat, Simple Songs using “Mi’ “Sol” and “La.”
1st Grade - Same as Kindergarten, plus the Quarter-note, Eighth-note and Quarter-rest Rhythms.
2nd Grade - Same as 1st Grade, plus the Half-note.
3rd Grade - Reviewing the 1st and 2nd Grade Rhythms, plus “Do-Re-Mi-Sol-La” - the Pentatonic Scale.
4th Grade - All of the aforementioned, plus Treble Clef Letter Names and Dynamics.
5th Grade - All of the aforementioned, plus additional rhythm studies.
Art with Ms. Jones
It was a great August, and we have already started learning about the elements of art. For September, we are moving into perspective and still-life drawing.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade: Students will be creating zoo animals and working with shading through colored pencils.
2nd, 3rd, and 4th Grade: Students will learn about one-point perspective drawing and create their own.
5th Grade: Students will learn about one-point and two-point perspective drawing and create art from each perspective.
Middle School Elective Class: Students are moving on from perspective to still-life drawing. We will end September with some painting.
We are continuing to go over procedures and expectations each week. It’s been fun getting to know the students over the last month.
SEL with Ms.Cruz
Hello! Now that the students have learned the expectations and procedures for SEL class, we will start diving into more specific SEL activities. Each grade level will talk about how to respect ourselves, each other, and our differences, as well as how emotions are communicated and regulated.
Each grade will learn how to play various social-emotional games and how each individual can hurt or help a team with emotional regulation and respect for each other.
One game the students are learning is called the “Name Game.”
This game requires each student to know and use each other’s names properly. It also teaches students to be patient with one another when it is not their turn and shows them how teamwork can look and sound at different levels.
Each student must work together to keep the ball from hitting the ground, or else the round starts over. The game helps them with memory because they must remember who they toss it to and catch it from while focusing on a second or third ball entering the game.
The students must multitask at different levels while maintaining a positive attitude. The students will learn various skills that will transfer into other classes and outside school. Each game will teach patience, motivation, consideration, and respect.
Please reach out if you have specific questions for your child’s specific grade level. I am more than happy to provide other games that can be played at home. :)
PE with Coach Cat
Now that we have reviewed every rule and procedure in PE class, we can get into some activity time! Moving forward, our first unit will learn about the 8 different locomotor movements: skipping, running, hopping, jumping, leaping, step-sliding, galloping, and walking.
Once all locomotor movements are learned, we will play a game called “Locomotor Tag.” It is basically freeze tag, but the students will use pool noodles to tag each other. Before each round starts, I will tell the students to perform a certain locomotor movement while avoiding being tagged by the taggers.
Safety Focus: If you are a tagger, you will not aim for anyone's face. Students will not look down while running to avoid running into other students.
The next activity the students will be playing is a game called “Clean the Room.” This activity aims to get all of your “mess” (foam balls) to the opponent’s side. After each round, each team will discuss what they could improve on and what strategies they want to use for the next round. By having the students do this, I hope to improve their communication and problem-solving skills!