Language Proficiency Targets » Proficiency Targets for French, Russian, and Spanish

Proficiency Targets for French, Russian, and Spanish

An inverted funnel chart titled 'Proficiency Target by Grade Level for French, Russian, and Spanish.' The chart shows proficiency levels from the bottom to the top, starting with 'Novice Low' for Grade K, 'Novice Mid' for Grade 1, 'Novice High' for Grade 2/3, 'Intermediate Low' for Grade 4/5, 'Intermediate Mid' for Grade 6/7, and 'Intermediate High' for Grade 8

Why Aren't The Proficiency Targets For Russian Set Differently From Those For Spanish And French?

Although the FSI classifies Russian as a Category IV language, many GVA students in Russian-speaking communities are either native speakers or have Russian-speaking family members. This background influences their initial proficiency and learning pace. Proficiency targets serve as general guidelines for expected progress over time. However, because students begin at different levels and progress at varying rates, individual targets should be tailored to each student's current proficiency level.