Gifted and Talented Referral Procedure
Referrals Kindergarten and First Grade
Formal identification of students who are Gifted and Talented are not made until formalized testing in Second Grade. If a student is identified as having gifted abilities prior to second grade by an outside agency, their student file will be flagged in order to begin the process of evaluation for Gifted and Talented services in second grade.
Referrals in Second Grade:
Formal identification containing evidence in the following areas:
- GVA general school wide screening using data collected from TCAP, NWEA, MAP;
- Additional testing using the COGAT for students that fall at 95%tile or above in a content area;
- Parent/teacher feedback through questionnaires;
- External cognitive abilities testing, when provided, are also used in identification.
- Referrals can be made from parents, staff, peers, and the student and need to be provided to GT Coordinator.
- For students who are identified, an ALP will be created with specific goals that will address the student’s needs. The ALP must be submitted by April 1st prior to the next academic year. ALP’s will begin when the student starts 3rd grade.
- Teacher and parents need to provide data necessary to make an informed decision, to include: TCAP, MAP, NWEA, Parent/Teacher surveys, DIBELs Next data, classroom criteria measures, and other if requested by GT Coordinator if needed.
- The ALP will address specific programming for the student to meet student unique needs beginning in 3rd grade.
- ALP is reviewed on an annual basis to measure growth with goals and to discuss any additional needs the student may have.
- A body of evidence will be used to determine placement.
- Student portfolio;
- Information from the teacher;
- Test results from the COGAT;
- Other data as determined to provide evidence of 95%tile in three of the qualifying characteristics.
- GT team will review the portfolio and results from data collection to determine placement.
- Parents will be contacted with the results and eligibility for Gifted and Talented services
- If the child is “accelerated,” the child will be placed in Gifted and Talented program.
- Advanced learning plan written by teachers, parents, and GT Coordinator will be developed.
Referrals grades 3 – 5
Formal identification containing evidence in the following areas:
- GVA general school wide screening using data collected from TCAP, NWEA, MAP;
- Additional testing using the COGAT for students that fall at 95%tile or above in a content area;
- Parent/teacher feedback through questionnaires;
- External cognitive abilities testing, when provided, are also used in identification.
- Referrals can be made from parents, staff, peers, and the student and need to be provided to GT Coordinator.
- For students who are identified, an ALP will be created with specific goals that will address the student’s needs. The ALP must be submitted by September 30th prior to the next academic year.
- Teacher and parents need to provide data necessary to make an informed decision, to include: TCAP, MAP, NWEA, Parent/Teacher surveys, DIBELs Next data, classroom criteria measures, and other if requested by GT Coordinator if needed.
- The ALP will address specific programming for the student to meet student unique needs.
- ALP is reviewed on an annual basis to measure growth with goals and to discuss any additional needs the student may have.
- A body of evidence will be used to determine placement.
- Student portfolio;
- Information from the teacher;
- Test results from the COGAT;
- Other data as determined to provide evidence of 95%tile in three of the qualifying characteristics.
- GT team will review the portfolio and results from data collection to determine placement.
- Parents will be contacted with the results and eligibility for Gifted and Talented services
- If the child is “accelerated,” the child will be placed in Gifted and Talented program.
- Advanced learning plan written by teachers, parents, and GT Coordinator will be developed.