Dispute Resolution
While great care is taken to insure that a proper decision is made on behalf of all interested parties in the education of a child, parents may make a written request for dispute resolution pertaining to a district’s decision related to their student’s Gifted Education request regarding programming, services, and identification. Prior to a written request, parents must demonstrate that there was discussion with appropriate building personnel. A recommended communication procedure would include discussion with the classroom teacher, building GT personnel, and the building principal prior to a written request to the Charter School Institute Executive Director.
Such request shall be made in writing and addressed to the Executive Director of the Charter School Institute fourteen (14) calendar days after receiving a decision letter from the school.
The Charter School Institute Executive Director will collect the information from the district used to render their decision and from the parents supporting their dispute.
Only if the child has met the formal requirement of a solid Body of Evidence evaluation will the Executive Director arrange a meeting with the parents and the district. The purpose of this meeting is to allow the parents to share their perspective and for the district to reconsider their decision for Gifted Education services. The participants in this meeting may include additional school personnel, but must include at a minimum, the parent(s), Executive Director, and local building gifted education director who has the authority to fully reconsider the decision.