Congratulations to GVA Northglenn Mandarin Teacher Jianing Guo Jianing Guo's first-grade Chinese class was featured in a recent Asia Sociey TEQ video!
Congratulations Caitlin Eggleston From the Charter School Institute: Leadership graduate students presented their final projects geared toward disrupting the status quo of special education and received feedback from experts in the field.
Russian Center's "Russian Fairy tales" Summer Camp Half and full day summer camp taking place in Boulder from June 3-7!
GVA Northglenn: New Parent Info Meeting on May 29, 2019 at 6:00 PM Come to learn more about what GVA has to offer your student! We answer common questions such as: How does language immersion work? What is our curriculum? How do I help my child with homework in another language?
Milk Caps for Moola Our school is proud to partner with Longmont Dairy's Milk Caps for Moola program!
Spotlight On GVA Students Was your student nominated for an award? Did they win a contest? Have they been recognized for achievement including athletics?
Donations Needed for the Box Top Store The donation bin will be in the front of the school for items you would like to donate (only new items please) pencils, erasers, games, slime, stickers etc. remember donating counts toward your volunteer hours.