Early Literacy Grant
The Early Literacy Grant (ELG) is Awarded by the Colorado Department of Education to enhance K-3 reading instruction through evidence-based practices, improving student literacy outcomes.
GVA North met all three of our Early Literacy Grant goals for the 2023 - 2024 school year. A couple of the highlights from our students’ achievements are below:
Early Literacy Goals
Goal #1
- Make above to well-above-average progress in moving students out of the well-below-benchmark category as measured by the DIBELS Next Growth Tool.
Goal Met
- By the end of the year, the Percentage of K-3 students who scored in the “well below benchmark” category decreased from 33% to 13%.
- GVA North earned a “Well Above Average Progress” rating on this goal.
Goal #2
- Make above to well above average progress moving students into the benchmark category as measured by the DIBELS Next Growth Tool.
Goal Met
- The percentage of K-3 students scoring “At or Above Grade Level” on the DIBELS Next Growth Tool increased from 49% to 76% by the end of the year.
- GVA North earned a “Well Above Average Progress” rating on this goal.
Goal #3
- Move 50% of students scoring below benchmark up at least one performance category (well below benchmark to below benchmark/ benchmark or below benchmark to benchmark).
Goal Met
- GVA North moved 67% of students in kindergarten to 3rd grade, scoring below the benchmark and up one category level.
- GVA North earned a “Above Average Progress” rating on this goal.